Insolvency Practitioners

Evidence Matters Ltd., provide on-site data recovery and preservation services to some of the most influential firms of Administrators in the United Kingdom.

When a firm is liquidated, it isn’t unusual for file servers to be ‘reclaimed’ by leasing companies – this usually results in a loss of important accounts data and email which may be of use to you later – even the customer database has a value and could be an important asset.

Our basic service involves making on-site forensic images of the file servers and the most important computer workstations – usually accounts, sales and computers used by the directors.

We utilise specialist tools to make a forensically sound ‘image’ of the data which can be relied upon for any form of legal proceedings should it be necessary.

Once the data has been captured, we can undertake follow up investigation work to your requirements, or provide you with a ‘working copy’ of the data for your own team of financial experts to work with.